
Millers Oils XF Premium MV-Extra Auto Transmission Fluid 5ltr


Automatic transmission fluid for use in automatic gearboxes and power steering systems.



Automatic transmission fluid for use in automatic gearboxes and power steering systems.


Millers XF Premium ATF MV Extra is a premium OEM automatic transmission fluid with the widest specification coverage.  Developed for multi vehicle applications. This product can also be used in certain power steering systems.

User benefits

  • Enhanced low temperature flow when cold starting, instantly protecting the vital components of the gearbox
    from the very start of every journey.
  • Maximises viscosity stability at high temperatures. This reduces gearbox wear giving superior component protection.
  • Delivers outstanding lubrication and instant protection under hot and cold temperatures.
  • Specifically formulated for use in electric and hybrid systems including self-charging hybrid electric vehicles and plug in hybrid electric vehicles.

Performance profile

XF Premium ATF MV Extra is suitable for use where the following specifications are called for by the vehicle manufacturer:

  • Acura ATF-Z1
  • Bentley JNV 862 5640
  • BMW/Mini [P/N 83 222 152 426] [ZF Lifeguard 8]. [P/N 83 222 289 720] [ATF 3+]. [P/N 83 222 305 397] [ATF 3]. [P/N 83 220 142 516] [M-1375.4] [ZF Lifeguard 6]. P/N 83 220 402 413] [P/N 83 220 024 359]. T-IV [JWS 3309]. ETL-8072B [P/N 83 220 403 249] ETL-7045E [P/N 83 220 026 922]. LT 71141 [P/N 83 229 407 807]. LA 2634 [P/N 83 229 407 765]
  • Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep Mopar AS 68 RC T-IV [JWS 3309] [P/N 05127382AA]. ATF 4+, ATF 3+ [MS 7176E] ATF 2+, ATF+, MS 9602
  • Fiat/Abarth 9.55550-AV5, 9.55550-AV4, 9.55550-AV2, 9.55550-AV1
  • Alfa Romeo/Lancia
  • Ford Mercon SP, Mercon LV, Mercon, WSS-M2C202A, WSS-M2C195A WSS-M2C166H, WSS-M2C138CJ, WSS-M2C938A [Power Steering] WSS-M2C924A, WSS-M2C922A 1
  • GM Dexron VI, Dexron IIIH, Dexron IIIG, Dexron IIIE, Dexron IIE, Dexron 110 Dexron IID, AW-1, Type A Suffix A [TASA]
  • GM/Opel/Saturn 93160393, 88863401, 88863400, 9986195
  • Hyundai/Kia Red 1K NWS 9638 [P/N 040000C905G]. Red 1K JWS 3314. Red 1K SP-IV-RR, Red 1K SP-IVM, Red 1K SP-IV, Red 1K SP-Ill Red 1KSP-II
  • Honda ATF Z1 [Except CVT]. ATF DW-1
  • Isuzu Besco ATF SP, ATF Ill, ATF II, SCS Fluid
  • Jaguar/Land Rover [P/N LR023289]. [P/N LR023288]. ATF [M-1375.4]. ATF LT 71141 TF 3403 [M-115]. JLM 20238, Fluid 8432 [P/N TYK5000050]
  • Maserati 231603
  • Mazda FS5A-EL, ATF 3317, ATF S-1, ATF N-1, ATF F-1, ATF FZ, ATF M-V ATF M-III, ATF D-II
  • Mercedes-Benz MB 236.41 [Hybrid]. MB 236.15 [<2010]. MB 236.14, MB 236.12 MB 236.11, MB 236.10, MB 236.8, MB 236.7, MB 236.6, MB 236.5 MB 236.2, MB 236.1
  • Mitsubishi Dia-Queen SK, Dia-Queen SP-IV, Dia-Queen SP-Ill, Dia-Queen SP-II Dia-Queen ATF J3, Dia-Queen ATF J2, Dia-Queen ATF AW, Dia-Queen ATF PA
  • Nissan/lnfiniti Matic W, Matic S, Matic K, Matic J, Matic D, Matic C
  • Porsche ATF 3403 [M-115]. T-IV [JWS 3309], [P/N 999 917 547 00 A2]. [P/N 000 043 304 00]. [P/N 000 043 205 09]. [P/N 000 043 205 28]
  • PSA RP 9734 R7
  • Renault Renaultmatic 02
  • Saab AW-1 [P/N 93 165 147). T-IV [JWS 3309)
  • Subaru ATF 3317, ATF 3314, ATF HP, ATF SAT, ATF, [P/N K0140Y0700)
  • Suzuki ATF 3317, ATF 3314, JWS 3309, ATF 2384K, ATF 2326, ATF 5006 ATF AW-1
  • Toyota/Lexus ATF WS [Hybrid). ATF WS [JWS 3324). T-IV [JWS 3309). ATF T-III ATF 0-111, ATF 0-11
  • Volvo 97341, 97340, 97335, 97325, [P/N 31256774). [P/N 31256675), [P/N 1161540). [P/N 1161621). [P/N 1161521). [P/N 116640)
  • VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda [P/N G 055 540). [P/N G 055 055 A1). [P/N G 055 005 A6). [P/N G 055 005 A2). [P/N G 055 025 A2) [JWS 3309). [P/N G 052 990). [P/N G 052 162 A6). [P/N G 052 162 A2). [P/N G 052 162 A1)